book review

All posts tagged book review

What a Nerd!

Published February 23, 2018 by Jenn Andrew

I have not blogged for some time and so it seems I have forsaken my readers and for that I apologize.  There has been so much going on but now that I have made my way to the light, we have much to discuss!

There has been such an onslaught of super hero movies that has hit the big screen that you have to wonder if Hollywood is taking too much advantage of the comics!  What about science fiction like Star Trek Discovery series that is awesome right now, or anime series that I have recently discovered such as Devilman Crybaby?  Why can’t we put stories like that on the big screen!?

With all the iconic superheroes such as Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash and Batman, why can’t Hollywood tap into the more struggling heroes like Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Black Lightning?  With those Netflix series so popular, I think people are starting to recognize those heroes that are closer to home.  People can relate to those individuals that are going through hardships in their lives as well as trying to be a mentor and a hero when all else fails.

If I had powers, I would want to be like Luke Cage because he doesn’t have to wear a mask, he uses his strength and the fact that he can’t be harmed, to his advantage (they call him bullet proof).  I don’t think I would risk my life as a vigilante, as the cops always call a do-gooder, but if the situation was to arise, I would do what I could to help my community.  I would keep things on the down low and make sure that I wasn’t doing anything outlandish on camera, especially when everyone is carrying a cell phone with video.  I would feel foolish wearing a costume or a mask so bravo to those who can pull it off.

When it comes to graphic novels or trade paperbacks, one of my favorite comics is Wonder Woman.  I grew up reading her comics, watching the TV series, taking pictures of cosplayers who portray her and then the movie that was well awaited and awesome.  I had the opportunity to hold the sword and never realized the weight.  Oh, to wish I could be proficient in swordplay!

I intend on keeping up with posting so tune in again to see what we serve up at the Comic Café! 


Jenn Andrew
Blogger, Reviewer and Gamer!


Published December 20, 2015 by Jenn Andrew

Issue #1; Cold Heaven Part one: Prodigal Sons

This is one of the new comics that came out and the name caught  my interest.  It’s written for mature readers. The title is straight forward and to the point so you know exactly what it’s about. Who doesn’t know about the devil and the story of good and evil? There are so many different spins as to how this story is going to turn out so I was willing to give it a try. The cover is a little simplistic but the graphics inside are better.


It starts off in Los Angeles 2015. It tells of his coming but not what you expect with fire and brimstone, but just weird things happening to some people. He’s there to make a home so what do you think happens next? Are we too hard on Lucifer? After all, the stories told of him are from religious types and from “God”.  There is also another character you may be familiar with and that’s Gabriel. Fallen angel who appears to be living his life on the dark side.  This is their story.


The dialogue is good with a few swear words but if you were practically living on the street, who cares what language you use. Your life would probably suck and this is the case for Gabriel. However, he is called upon to help and this may give him a chance to redeem himself.

The story is of two brothers who live different lives and what they must do to protect themselves from outside forces; one who follows the path of darkness and the other who follows redemption.

Jenn Andrew
Writer, Book Reviewer & Gamer


Published August 24, 2015 by Jenn Andrew

Justice League 3001 – Enter Supergirl?

Cover – Porter and Hi-Fi
Art – Howard Porter
Plot and Breakdowns – Keith Giffen

justice league 3001

Although I didn’t take much to the first issue of this new comic, I decided to give issue #2 a chance since the cover looked interesting.  I think the entire premise of being in the future as far fetched and the story seems to be told from a ranting ex-girlfriend hell bent on causing drama to her ex and his friends.  Pretty weak but at least the art is good and the color is vibrant.  The dialogue is somewhat amusing and it does have several superheros doing battle with an alien race, which is DC’s typical storyline and it does introduce Supergirl, which was unexpected.   I know with the Justice League name on the cover, this series will most likely continue past its time.  I’m not a DC fan but with Superman and Wonder Woman part of that family, I have no choice but to delve into it from time to time.


Jenn Andrew
Blogger, Book Reviewer and Gamer